Malá princezna / A Little Princess - Zrcadlová četba (A1-A2)

Hodgson Burnett Frances

Ing. Stanislav Soják-INFOA
ISBN: 9788076970274

Sara Crewe is a wealthy, intelligent and imaginative girl. Alone in a new country she tries to settle in and make friends at Miss Minchins School for Young Ladies. But when she learns that she will never see her beloved father again, her life is turned upside down and now poor Sara has to work as...

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Malá princezna / A Little Princess - Zrcadlová četba (A1-A2) : 9788076970274

111 Kč

Více o produktu

Sara Crewe is a wealthy, intelligent and imaginative girl. Alone in a new country she tries to settle in and make friends at Miss Minchins School for Young Ladies. But when she learns that she will never see her beloved father again, her life is turned upside down and now poor Sara has to work as a servant. Her experiences soon teach her that being a princess on the inside counts more than any outward expression of royalty. Sara Crewe je bohatá, bystrá a nápaditá dívenka. Zvyká si sama v nové zemi a snaží se najít si v dívčí škole slečny Minchinové kamarádky. Když se však dozví, že už nikdy neuvidí svého milovaného otce, obrátí se její život vzhůru nohama a nyní již úplně chudá Sára musí pracovat jako služebná. Její zkušenostiji brzo naučí, že je cennějšíbýt princeznou ve svém nitru než navenek.

Ing. Stanislav Soják-INFOA
Hodgson Burnett Frances
Knihy - paperback
Rok vydání
Počet stran
199 x 130 x 7