Pearson English Readers 3 The Cellist of Sarajevo

Annette Keen

ISBN: 9781408291375

Penguin Readers are simplified texts which provide a step-by-step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure.Nominated for the 2014 ERF Language Learner Literature award, Adolescent & Adult Intermediate Category.Sarajevo is under siege. There is little food or water and the city is attacked,...

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Pearson English Readers 3 The Cellist of Sarajevo : 9781408291375

219 Kč

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Penguin Readers are simplified texts which provide a step-by-step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure.Nominated for the 2014 ERF Language Learner Literature award, Adolescent & Adult Intermediate Category.Sarajevo is under siege. There is little food or water and the city is attacked, every day, from the hills. Ordinary people try to live their lives, but they are losing hope for the future. Then, one day, some decide to wait in a line for bread...

Annette Keen
Rok vydání
B1 Pre-Intermediate