Cambridge English: Young Learners, známá také jako Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE), je soubor motivačních jazykových testů angličtiny zaměřených na děti na základní škole a v nižších ročnících střední školy. Existují tři testy založené na činnosti, které dětem poskytují jednoduchou cestu ke zlepšení angličtiny.
Cambridge English: Young Learners (přehled) (anglicky)
Cambridge English: Young Learners is a series of fun, motivating English language tests, aimed at children in primary and lower-secondary education. There are three activity-based tests – Starters, Movers and Flyers. This gives students a clear path to improve in English.
Cambridge English: Starters (anglicky)
Cambridge English: Starters, also known as Young Learners English: Starters, is the start of a child’s language learning journey. The test introduces them to everyday written and spoken English in a fun and motivating way
Cambridge English: Movers (anglicky)
Cambridge English: Movers, also known as Young Learners English: Movers, is the next step in a child’s language learning journey, after taking Cambridge English: Starters. It is a great way to help children build on their language skills and make further progress in English.
Cambridge English: Flyers (anglicky)
Cambridge English: Flyers, also known as Young Learners English: Flyers, is the next step of a child’s language learning journey, after taking Cambridge English: Movers. It is a great way to show children can deal with everyday written and spoken English at a basic level.
Level: Pre-A1 / Starter to A2 / Elementary
Age Group: Primary (7-12)
Type of English: General English for Young Learners - International English
Examiner: Cambridge English Language Assessment
Link: http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-qualifications/young-learners/
Učební materiály pro zkoušky YLE:
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